Spiritual Growth Made Simple
Hint: Simple but not easy!
Have you been working on spiritual growth for years but feel like you’re stuck in 1st gear? Me too. So I did some research, deepened and clarified my own understanding, and wrote this little book about it—for my benefit and for yours. Here is the surprising and short process to boost your spiritual growth into warp-drive!
These are 3 simple steps everyone can take that are the key to rapid spiritual growth—regardless of your religious beliefs. These steps transcend religion. It doesn’t matter what your religion, or if you’ve none at all.
No theology. No religion. No preaching. No dogma.
The book is simple, short, and straightforward. You decide what you want to work on—what you want to become. These steps give you a clear method to consciously grow in the direction you want to grow.
Watch my little video about the book >
The Band Director’s Pocket Guide to Spiritual Growth
is only available right here, on my website, as a pdf download, for the low price of only $4.99.
(link coming soon)