I started video recording my blog posts in October 2022. If you would rather watch and listen, instead of reading, this is the place for you!
Coming soon: #8 15-Minute Rehearsals for Martial Law

You will have all the tyranny you allow. I give you 10-minutes worth of my take on it. Enjoy!
#7 The Devolution of Davos Man

Evolution, devolution, and Davos Man. I give you 10-minutes worth of my take on it. Enjoy!
#6 Justin’s Transition to What?
Just-in Trudeau is bringing the “Just Transition” to Canada. What does that mean? I give you 6-minutes worth of my take on it. Enjoy!
#5 Science Asks Questions. Propaganda Prohibits Questions.

Which do you see in the world today? In this short video, I explain what’s going on by comparing science and propaganda. One asks questions. The other prohibits questions. Ask yourself what you see.
#4 Universal Basic Income: An Old Communist Trick

Both spiritually and materially, dependence is a trick of communist subversion.
#3 NAZI Propaganda—Déjà vu All Over Again

Joseph Goebbels was Hitler’s Propaganda Minister. It’s “Beyond Ironic” but we see his tactics everywhere today.
#2 Pattern Recognition: The Key to Understanding What’s Going On

Understanding what’s going on in the world today is all about pattern recognition. Let me explain with a story.
#1 They Are Liars, Not Idiots
I learned long ago that when our leaders make seemingly idiotic decisions, they are not idiots, but liars. Let me explain how and when I first realized this.